Some of the new yarn I have gotten using the gift card for Joann's that came from step son and family in Arizona, I decided to use for socks for me. I found several patterns using two knitting needles. I have tried to use double pointed needles in the past, but I am all thumbs with them. I mean, gee, a person is handling like four needles at one time. Well, I picked one pattern and started into it. Learned how to turn heels and more practice of short rowing. Well, I had one sock down and was working on the the second when I had to throw away a couple of socks due to wearing out. Got thinking, my socks with heels always wear out in the same spot, just in front of the heel on the sole. Especially the socks that I crocheted last year for myself. So decided to knit tube socks. Back in the days that I wore tube socks, I didn't have that problem. I then went looking for a two needle tube sock pattern on the internet.
Have I ever mentioned that I love the internet. I have not bought any patterns for years. Whenever I want a new pattern, I check out my Bookmarks and if there isn't one there, I type in the search engine what I am looking for. I may not find exactly what I want, but I have come close many times.
Back to my sock saga now. Well, couldn't find a pattern for two needles tube socks. So decided that I could modify a pattern for use with two needles and went to work. Well, the first couple of patterns weren't too bad, but I just didn't like how they were turning out. So back to searching for a pattern on the internet. Found one that really hit me, like this is the one. So I printed it out. I finally finished the sock yesterday while I was waiting for Marshal to finish up an appointment. Had to wait until we got home to sew the seam. I then tried the sock on. It fits quite well. Especially since I had to make several different modifications to the pattern. First off, the yarn in the pattern was a heavier weight then what I was using, so had to add stitches to make the size I needed. And as I was working in rows instead of rounds, had to remember that little fact. Which I forgot when I was working on the toe. In the pattern, it says to knit every other row. Well, not thinking, I knitted every row on the toe. After a couple of rows, it hit me, I needed to be purling every other row. Oh well. The socks are for me and this one looks just fine. I am now working on the cuff for the second sock. Hopefully the sock will be done before winter is gone.
I am still working on a number's book in the plastic canvas. In fact the last one that needs to be done.
And along with those projects, I am tying a quilt for our bed right now. That is taking up most of the room here in my office. Need to get it done also. Just a simple quilt made out of scrap material that I have had for years.
Some day I am gonna retire!!! LOL