Yes, I know that it is Spring now. But we didn't get to make any trips in the winter. Marshal was having problems with a bone spur on his left elbow, so after two trips to the Salt Lake VA, we finally was able to get a surgery date of March 23rd. This is after we made arrangements to meet his son and family in Moab, Utah the 4th of April. The reservations had been made and paid for at least one night. Marshal's surgery was not scheduled until noon, so we did not have to spend a night in Salt Lake. The only problem was scheduling the follow up visits to have stitches removed. The nurse wanted to schedule it for the 6th of April, said no way, we were not gonna be in town. The stitches had to be removed before or after we got back. After going around and around, finally settled on April 3rd in Pocatello. That nurse was not happy with me. But I decided that since it was not life and death, and we had sat around all winter long waiting on a surgery date, they were gonna work around me for a change!!! We do go back to Salt Lake for surgery follow up on the 20th of April. Oh well.
We left here April 4th headed for Moab. I told the son that the season was just starting in Moab, it would be a good idea to have reservations. When I mentioned going down there on a Yahoo group, a friend let me know that being it was the week before Easter, the Easter Jeep Safari would be in full spring. So I made sure that son made reservations. He had to call about 5 or 6 parks to finally get us sites. Good thing.
We stayed at Slick Rock Campground. I can say a few things about this place. Only use it if you can find nothing else. Sites are narrow and close together. Office help, well, put it this way, she needs a crash course in what is pull through and what is not. I asked if there would be a problem if we parked so that our units could face door to door. She said no problem, as one site was pull through and the other back in. Well, we got there in the afternoon, so had plenty of light to see. Both sites were back in. No way could anyone pull through the sites. Not with full, mature cottonwood trees at the one end of the sites. So we did pull in and the kids when they got there that night, backed in.
The place was packed with those that went to bed early. I assumed that meant 10pm. Which was me. And the others that stayed up later and felt no pain, until morning. There was quite a bit of drinking going on. The kids arrived around midnight and yes, we made noise getting them set up. But as we weren't bothering anyone, we went right ahead. Those that were still up, were feeling no pain.
The first day, we took the kids to Arches National Monument. They loved it. Had to cut it short, as the Jeep started giving me problems. So we didn't dare go far. The girls loved seeing some of the arches and doing some hiking.
Next day was kind of a rest day and seeing what was in Moab. There was a local museum that had lots of fun, interesting stuff. The girls really loved that also. Daughter In Law mentioned that taking a tour would be fun. She checked to see which had the best reviews on line and we went to their office to check that out. We decided that the Sunset Tour in a Hummer for two hours would be the best for all. So that evening we headed to the tour company. The Hummer we were in held 10 people including the driver. Our trail for the evening would be Hell's Revenge. Here is a link that comes closest to what we experienced.
We did not do the whole trail. Enough to really experience serious rock crawling. Although DIL is afraid of heights, she didn't kill the driver. But we all had a blast doing it.
At the tour company, one of the women talked about how all Jeep owners are Red Necks and toothless. I proudly pointed out my Jeep to her, grinned to show that I had most of my teeth. Then said I was proud to be a Red Neck Jeep Owner!!!!!!!!!! LOL I don't think she got it!! LOL
I at one time did want to do some rock crawling, but figured, oh well, maybe someday. And someday came. Man, I was having an adrenalin rush for this tour. I did take lots of pictures. If you check the link on the right hand side of this page, you can see them. Had lots that I had to delete though.
On Sunday, we loaded up and drove the Sand Flats road, to the Castle Valley Road and to the Colorado River. This was suppose to be an hour drive that turned into about 2 1/2 hours. But we had fun. Saw some scenery that was beautiful.
Over the years I have been through Moab, even stopped a couple of times for the night. Have been to Arches, Dead Horse Point, and Canyonlands, I think that this trip was about the best one there.